Comparison of different PERL caching modules


  1. Mon, Feb 2, 2004 5:00pm: Initial version
  2. Tue, Feb 3, 2004 5:16pm: Add BerkeleyDB thanks to Perrin Harkins
  3. Thu, Apr 14, 2005 2:08pm: Added notes about "size aware" performance issues thanks to John Lonergan

I put this together because I needed to compare a number of different modules for a particular application. The result was that I ended up writing my own cache module (Cache::FastMmap) to fit as close as possible to my particular requirements. This module has now been released to CPAN and is included in the tests below. Again, depending on your situation, your mileage, requirements and testing strategy may vary.


Depending on what your doing, the actual difference in performance between the modules compared below may be insignificant in your setup. Any module you choose needs to be based on what you're doing, what features you need, what OS and system you're developing on, and only after you've definitely measured a performance problem that would be helped by caching at certain points.

Remember: Measure, don't assume!

Testing modules/parameters

The output at the bottom shows a comparison of different PERL caching modules. There are several different parameters used:

Data type

  1. bin - just binary data in a scalar stored into the cache
  2. complex - a PERL data structure. All cache modules use Storable to convert this to binary data


  1. For binary data, this is the average number of bytes in each value stored into the cache
  2. For complex data, this is the average number of keys in each hash-ref that's frozen and stored into the cache


  1. Set/S - storing values into the cache as fast as possible, how many 'set' operations can we do per second
  2. Get/S - after the storing process, how many 'get' operations can we do per second. 85% of the time we pick keys we stored in the cache, 15% of the time we pick random keys that aren't in the cache
  3. Mix/S - a mix of 'set' and 'get' operations, how many we can do per second. The mix is 15% set, 85% get.

Hit Rate

  1. GHitR - depending on the cache size, and the amount of data stored, we won't necessarily retrieve every item stored. This gives the 'hit rate' (1.000 = everything stored was retrieved) during the 'get' operation run.
  2. MHitR - as above, but 'hit rate' during the mixed set/get run


  1. In process hash - this just uses an in process hash to store the data. It's not shared, and does no tracking of access time or cache size, so it really represents just the fastest PERL can access hash structures and copy binary data around.
  2. Storable freeze/thaw - again just an in process hash, but used for 'complex' data structures, which are frozen for storage, and thawed when retrieved. Again, this represents the fasest PERL can freeze/store/thaw complex data structures
  3. Cache::FastMmap - my Cache::FastMmap module. Two different combination of page size and number of pages was used
  4. Cache::Mmap - the Cache::Mmap module. Again, two different combination of page size and number of pages was used
  5. MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File - commonly used module that uses SDBM, but includes a layer for synchronisation and for splitting big values.
  6. IPC::MM - module that uses the 'mm' library to share data between processes. Includes a hash and binary tree implementation
  7. BerkeleyDB - BerkeleyDB database module. Thanks Perrin Harkins for this code
  8. Cache::FileCache - commonly used module that uses files on the file system for storage. Naturally file system and OS have a strong effect on performance. In this case, a tmpfs filesystem on linux was used
  9. Cache::SharedMemoryCache - uses IPC::ShareLite module to share data between processes


  1. Cache::SharedMemoryCache was so slow, I haven't included results. This is because it uses a single hash-ref for ALL data. Every access to read/store a single key/value requires ALL items in the cache to be thawed and then re-frozen. Basically, don't use this module. In some respects, this module should be removed, because people incorrectly use it believing that a share memory cache must be fast, when clearly in this case it isn't.
  2. The hash table implementation in MM::IPC seems to be a bit buggy. It would become 'full' randomly, causing odd changes in the apparent cache hit rate. It also seemed to show odd performance changes. Probably best to avoid.
  3. The MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File and Cache::FileCache modules are more flexible with regard to amount of data stored, growing in size dynamically up to any particular limit. The Cache::FastMmap, Cache::Mmap and IPC::MM require you to pick a maximum cache size at setup
  4. BerkeleyDB performs amazingly well. It's basically limited by the Storable module for complex data structures. You should definitely consider it for long term persistent storage of key/value data. There's no built in way to limit the DB size and/or expire old values however, so it's not as useful as a caching system unless you layer something on top yourself.

Notes about "size aware" caches

I received an email pointing out an issue my testing hadn't covered which is basically that some caches when made "size aware" are many, many times slower. The text in the email sums this up pretty well.
Changed Cache::FileCache;
to Cache::SizeAwareFileCache;

and then added  
to the SizeAwareFileCache

and added 
to Cache::FastMmap

When I did this the performance of Cache::SizeAwareFileCache fell to
ridiculously bad levels.

Package: Cache::SizeAwareFileCache Storable
Data type: complex
Params: cache_size 1000000
Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
     5 |     15 |    353 |     43 | 1.000 | 1.000

To get any results at all from the script I have to change the number
of iterations to 50.

When I looked at the Cache::SizeAwareFileCache in isolation it seems
that once you specify a 'max_size' the time taken to do a set operation
degrades rapidly as with the number of items in the cache.

FYI - running strace shows that setting any value for max_size causes
SizeAwareFileCache to start stat'ing every file in the cache every
time you do an insert. More shocking still is that if you specify
default_expires_in then the slowdown is twice as bad!
This is probably something to be aware of, but I don't have time right now to re-run all my tests.



Run on a IBM x345 Dual 2.8Ghz Xeon system

Package: In process hash
Data type: bin
 Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
   147 | 221238 | 162786 | 175561 | 1.000 | 1.000
   465 | 204582 | 137988 | 150353 | 1.000 | 1.000
  1628 | 155666 | 105146 | 112911 | 1.000 | 1.000

Package: Cache::Mmap
Data type: bin
Params: num_pages 11 page_size 65536
 Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
   147 |   3536 |   3267 |   3206 | 1.000 | 1.000
   465 |   3225 |   3206 |   2858 | 1.000 | 1.000
  1628 |   2254 |   3252 |   2366 | 0.900 | 0.911

Package: Cache::Mmap
Data type: bin
Params: num_pages 89 page_size 8192
 Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
   147 |   9799 |   9270 |   9017 | 1.000 | 1.000
   465 |   9183 |   8958 |   8549 | 1.000 | 1.000
  1628 |   7840 |   8852 |   8123 | 0.739 | 0.755

Package: Cache::FastMmap
Data type: bin
Params: num_pages 11 page_size 65536
 Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
   147 |  44652 |  52160 |  50459 | 1.000 | 1.000
   465 |  42367 |  48262 |  46862 | 1.000 | 1.000
  1628 |  37408 |  40952 |  39531 | 0.741 | 0.624

Package: Cache::FastMmap
Data type: bin
Params: num_pages 89 page_size 8192
 Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
   147 |  43109 |  51545 |  49728 | 1.000 | 1.000
   465 |  42210 |  48037 |  46371 | 1.000 | 1.000
  1628 |  36993 |  41094 |  39425 | 0.692 | 0.650

Package: MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File
Data type: bin
 Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
   147 |   2307 |  10470 |   6268 | 1.000 | 1.000
   465 |   1800 |   7181 |   4483 | 1.000 | 1.000
  1628 |   1137 |   3837 |   2383 | 1.000 | 1.000

Package: BerkeleyDB
Data type: bin
 Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
   147 |  59552 |  55383 |  57329 | 1.000 | 1.000
   465 |  51618 |  44639 |  45628 | 1.000 | 1.000
  1628 |  36536 |  32803 |  32315 | 1.000 | 1.000

Package: IPC::MM
Data type: bin
 Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
   147 |  40340 |  51513 |  46294 | 1.000 | 1.000
   465 |  27794 |  47737 |  15490 | 0.975 | 0.971
  1628 |   4203 |  42232 |  13471 | 0.297 | 0.297

Package: Storable freeze/thaw
Data type: complex
 Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
     5 |  11276 |  48164 |  31421 | 1.000 | 1.000
    16 |   9161 |  27673 |  19149 | 1.000 | 1.000
    55 |   5859 |  11298 |   9856 | 1.000 | 1.000

Package: Cache::Mmap Storable
Data type: complex
Params: num_pages 89 page_size 8192
 Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
     5 |   5008 |   7921 |   6729 | 1.000 | 1.000
    16 |   4361 |   6733 |   5697 | 1.000 | 1.000
    55 |   3104 |   5661 |   4674 | 0.760 | 0.747

Package: Cache::FastMmap Storable
Data type: complex
Params: num_pages 89 page_size 8192
 Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
     5 |   8897 |  28291 |  20316 | 1.000 | 1.000
    16 |   7548 |  18964 |  14155 | 1.000 | 1.000
    55 |   5076 |  12684 |  10367 | 0.715 | 0.638

Package: MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File Storable
Data type: complex
 Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
     5 |   1630 |   8844 |   4811 | 1.000 | 1.000
    16 |   1299 |   5528 |   3296 | 1.000 | 1.000
    55 |    845 |   2599 |   1805 | 1.000 | 1.000

Package: BerkeleyDB Storable
Data type: complex
 Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
     5 |   9392 |  31425 |  21703 | 1.000 | 1.000
    16 |   7717 |  18508 |  13999 | 1.000 | 1.000
    55 |   4857 |   8610 |   6302 | 1.000 | 1.000

Package: IPC::MM Storable
Data type: complex
 Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
     5 |   8875 |  29838 |  21148 | 1.000 | 1.000
    16 |   7081 |  19315 |   8152 | 0.981 | 0.972
    55 |   2235 |  19424 |   7027 | 0.322 | 0.305

Package: Cache::FileCache Storable
Data type: complex
 Cmplx |  Set/S |  Get/S |  Mix/S | GHitR | MHitR
     5 |   1297 |   2771 |   2247 | 1.000 | 1.000
    16 |   1138 |   2533 |   2039 | 1.000 | 1.000
    55 |    830 |   2025 |   1617 | 1.000 | 1.000


Rob Mueller <>